
August 20, 2007

Recently, my lifestyle has changed from last semester. Now, I cannot predict or manage my activities what I am going to do sometimes. On last Monday, I was at my home in Nakornprathom. At first I thought that I would have a holiday on that day. However, my friend called me and told me that I still had class. So, it made me felt bored. I did not know why the other universities were off but ABAC was not. However, I left my home and went to university at 1p.m. and arrived there at 2p.m. By the way, on that day I had just only 1 class at 3p.m. to 5p.m. After class, I asked my friend to go to Siam Square. I went for a walk and shopping about 3 hours. I spent my money almost 1 thousand baht that day. I was so sad. On Tuesday, I went to the classes at 9p.m. and last class was finished at 5p.m. After that, I sat with my friends about 5 persons just for talking to each other at Coffee World. Then, I went back to my home at Dao-Kanong road. At that night I had to talk with my old friend from high school on phone until 3a.m. On Wednesday I had only 1 class at 3.30 to 5a.m. It is an English class. On that day I remembered that I felt very tired because I needed to take a rest. I had planned to get back home early that day, but my friend called me on 7p.m. for inviting me to go to the private party at Kaosan road. So, I had to go there and got some drink and talking with my high school friends until 2 a.m. After that, my friend took me home, and then I went to the bed at 3.30a.m. On Thursday, I had to take a class at 9a.m. I felt very very exhausted. However, I could still concentrate in every class until last class. After school, my friend invited me to go to his relative’s restaurant. My friends and I had a lot of fun. We had a lot of delicious food, we could play some games and talking to each other. We left there for getting back home about 10p.m. At that night, I arrived at my home almost midnight because of traffic jam. On Friday, I could take a rest as much as I needed, because I had no class on Friday. On that day I could sleep almost 12 hours, I woke up at 11a.m. I felt very fresh. After I had had lunch, I went back to my hometown in Nakornprathom. It likes my routine which I have to do every week. I arrived my hometown about 3p.m. I was very happy when I saw my family. On Saturday, I felt that I did not want to go anywhere, so I just stayed home with my family and did some activities with my family. On Sunday, my mother gave me some money for this week. In the morning, I went to JJ market and I had to spend some money for shopping my accessories. Then, I went back to my home at Dao-Kanong road to prepare for the class this week. At that night I went to the bed very early about 9p.m. This is all what I did last week.
