
September 3, 2007
I am going to continue my diary for last week as I said. On last Thursday, I got up at 07 a.m. and left my home at 8 a.m. for going to 9 a.m. class. I arrived at the university almost 9 a.m. then I went to the class from 9 to 11 a.m. After that, I went to Coffee World again. There were about 6 persons at Coffee World include me I stayed there for 4 hours, and then I had to go to the English class at 3.30 p.m. I stayed at Coffee World with my friend about an hour and then we went to BKK Grill for having dinner together. We went back to each home about 8 p.m. I arrived at my home around 9 p.m. After I arrived at my home, I went to my sister's room to talk with her about half an hour After that, I went to take a shower, and then I had to read again. I had read until midnight before I went to the bed. On Friday, I got up at 10 a.m., and then I went back to my hometown. I arrived my hometown about noon. After that, my family and I went to Central pin-kaow for having lunch. After that, we went to play golf at the golf course near my hometown together until 7 p.m. After that, we went back to our home, and then we spent our time by talking to each other and watching T.V. At 10 p.m., I went to take a shower, and then I had read my text book about 2 hours before I went to the bed. On Saturday, I got up at 9 a.m., and then took ashower. After that I went downstairs for having breakfast with my family. After that about noon, I got back into my room for reading. I spent my time for it about 2 hours, and then my mother asked me to go to the market with her. My mother and I spent our time in the market for buying foods almost 2 hours. We got back to our home about 5 p.m. About 3 hours later, I went to take a shower, and then did the report almost 3 hours. After that, I went to the bed.
