
September 3, 2007
I am going to continue my diary for last week as I said. On last Thursday, I got up at 07 a.m. and left my home at 8 a.m. for going to 9 a.m. class. I arrived at the university almost 9 a.m. then I went to the class from 9 to 11 a.m. After that, I went to Coffee World again. There were about 6 persons at Coffee World include me I stayed there for 4 hours, and then I had to go to the English class at 3.30 p.m. I stayed at Coffee World with my friend about an hour and then we went to BKK Grill for having dinner together. We went back to each home about 8 p.m. I arrived at my home around 9 p.m. After I arrived at my home, I went to my sister's room to talk with her about half an hour After that, I went to take a shower, and then I had to read again. I had read until midnight before I went to the bed. On Friday, I got up at 10 a.m., and then I went back to my hometown. I arrived my hometown about noon. After that, my family and I went to Central pin-kaow for having lunch. After that, we went to play golf at the golf course near my hometown together until 7 p.m. After that, we went back to our home, and then we spent our time by talking to each other and watching T.V. At 10 p.m., I went to take a shower, and then I had read my text book about 2 hours before I went to the bed. On Saturday, I got up at 9 a.m., and then took ashower. After that I went downstairs for having breakfast with my family. After that about noon, I got back into my room for reading. I spent my time for it about 2 hours, and then my mother asked me to go to the market with her. My mother and I spent our time in the market for buying foods almost 2 hours. We got back to our home about 5 p.m. About 3 hours later, I went to take a shower, and then did the report almost 3 hours. After that, I went to the bed.


September 9, 2007
On Thursday,I got up at 6.30 a.m., after that I had to left my home by 8 a.m. I arrived at the university at 9 a.m., and then I had to go to the class. After class, I went to meet my friend at BKK Grill. my friend and I had lunch together, everyone seem like very happy to me. After that, I had to to to my English class at 3.30 p.m. In that class, I had to take an oral test about the outside reading "the firm". After class, I felt bad, because i could not do well in oral test. However, my friend told me not to worry about it so much, because it might be better than I thought. It helped me to feel much better. At 7 p.m., we were at Dream, we go there for a dinner. it was so amazing for us that we did not drink any alcohols at Dream. About 2 hours later, we got back to each home. I arrived at my home almost 10 p.m., and then I went to take a shower. At 10 p.m., I read my textbook in the living room until 1 a.m., then go to the bed. On Friday, I got up at 10 a.m. After that, I left my home and went back to my hometown in Nakornprathom. I arrived at my hometown around 1 p.m., and then I went to the living room to see my parents and talked to them. After that, I went outside to play with my dogs, My dogs were very happy every time then they had seen me. At evening, my family and I went to have a dinner at Silom, it was a japanese restuarant. I left that restuarant about 9 p.m. I arrived at my hometown around 9.30 p.m., then we watched T.V. together about an hour. After that, I got into my room and read. I read it until midnight, then went to the bed. On Saturday, I had to got up at 9 a.m., because my mother had asked me to go to the market with her. It took time about 2 hours . After that, we went back to our home, then we cook a lunch together. I was enjoy cooking, because I had not cooked for a long long time. My mother and I were very happy when everyone told that everything had a good taste. At night, I got back into my room after I had watched T.V. with my parents. I read my textbook until midnight, then went to the bed.


September 6, 2007

On last Sunday, I got up at 10 a.m. After that, I went to the kitchen, because I was so hungry. Then, I invited my brother to go to jj market with me in the afternoon. I left my home about 11 a.m. I arrived at jj market at 12 p.m. First thing i would like to do there was go shopping many clothes. I shopping there with my brother almost 5 hours, I was very tired. My brother and I left jj market about 5 p.m. After that, we went to have some dinner together near our house. We take time there for dinner and talking to each other about 2 hours, and then we went back to our home. i arrived at my home around 8 p.m., then I went to take a shower. After rhat I went downstairs and watching a television program with my parents. We spent time together about an hour. After that, I went into my room for reading. I read my text book until midnight. I was so worry about the final examination, but I did not know why I could not stop spent my time for talking, shopping, etc. On Monday, I got up at 6 a.m. for going to the class at 8 a.m. I left my hometown at 7 a.m. I arrived at the university around 8 a.m., then I went to my class immediately. On that day I had to take classes until 5 p.m. After class, I stayed with my friend for talking to each other about an hours. After that, we got back to each home. I arrived at my home at 7 p.m., and then I went to my sister's room to talk with her about my study plan. I talked to her for half an hour, then I went into my room and read. I read until midnight, then went to the bed. On tuesday, I got up at 10 a.m. It was very late, so I could not go to the class on time. So, I decided to left my home at 2p.m. for going to the class at 3.30 p.m. instead. I took a class from 3.30 to 5 p.m. After class, I decided to get back home immediately. I arrived at my home at 6 p.m., and then I went to take a ahower. At 8 p.m., I went to read in my room. It was tale time about 2 hours, and then I went downstairs to find something to eat. After that, I went back into my room and sleep. On Wednesday, I got up at 10 a.m., and then I went downstairs to watching T.V. On that day, I had no class, so I did not have to be in hurry. In the afternoon, I had a lot of activities such as play game, exercise and reading. At 10 p.m., I went into my room for taking a shower, and then go to the bed.


September 1, 2007
Now, I have just come back to my hometown in Nakornprathom. This week, I have been under pressure, because the final examination time is coming nearly. So, I have to prepare for it by reading many text books which I have not done yet. It makes me very worry that I might not be able to read all of those books before the examination even I have prepared it for 1 month. So, this week I have decided to got back home earlier than before. On Monday, I got up at 6 a.m., and then I took ashower and left home in an hour later. I arrived at the university at 8 a.m., then I had to go to class immediately. I took the classes until5 p.m. After I finished all of my class, I went to meet my friends at our place which is Coffee World. We talked to each other almost about the examination about 2 hours. After that, we went to have a dinner at padlom-Dang together. At 8 a.m., I went back to my home with my friend. I arrived at my home around 9 a.m. First thing I did after that was went into my room for reading. I read my text book about 3 hours, and then I took a shower and went to the bed. On Tuesday, I got up at 6 a.m., and left my home at 7 a.m. However, I could not take that class on time, because of traffic jam that morning. I went to the class about 8.30 a.m. I took that class until 12.30 p.m. Then I had a break until 3.30 p.m. After that, I had to go to my English class. Immediately,I went back to my home after I finished my class at 5 p.m. I arrived at my home about 6 p.m., and then I went into my room for reading almost 2 hours. After that, I went downstairs for having dinner with my sister in the living room. After that, I went back into my room for reading again. About 11 p.m. I went to the bed, because I felt very tired that day. On Wednesday, I got up at 6 a.m. and left my home about 7 a.m. I arrived at the university at 8 a.m., however when I was in front of my classroom, I did not see anyone in my classroom. Immediately, I called to my classmate for asking about that. my friend told me that class was canceled. I felt angry myself why I did not know that. On that day, I did not know what I went to the university for, my class in the afternoon was canceled too. On that day, I went backto my home about 6 a.m. I read until midnight, and then I went to the bed. By the way, I feel very tired todat, so I want to finish writing the diary here and I will continue it again later.


August 20, 2007

Recently, my lifestyle has changed from last semester. Now, I cannot predict or manage my activities what I am going to do sometimes. On last Monday, I was at my home in Nakornprathom. At first I thought that I would have a holiday on that day. However, my friend called me and told me that I still had class. So, it made me felt bored. I did not know why the other universities were off but ABAC was not. However, I left my home and went to university at 1p.m. and arrived there at 2p.m. By the way, on that day I had just only 1 class at 3p.m. to 5p.m. After class, I asked my friend to go to Siam Square. I went for a walk and shopping about 3 hours. I spent my money almost 1 thousand baht that day. I was so sad. On Tuesday, I went to the classes at 9p.m. and last class was finished at 5p.m. After that, I sat with my friends about 5 persons just for talking to each other at Coffee World. Then, I went back to my home at Dao-Kanong road. At that night I had to talk with my old friend from high school on phone until 3a.m. On Wednesday I had only 1 class at 3.30 to 5a.m. It is an English class. On that day I remembered that I felt very tired because I needed to take a rest. I had planned to get back home early that day, but my friend called me on 7p.m. for inviting me to go to the private party at Kaosan road. So, I had to go there and got some drink and talking with my high school friends until 2 a.m. After that, my friend took me home, and then I went to the bed at 3.30a.m. On Thursday, I had to take a class at 9a.m. I felt very very exhausted. However, I could still concentrate in every class until last class. After school, my friend invited me to go to his relative’s restaurant. My friends and I had a lot of fun. We had a lot of delicious food, we could play some games and talking to each other. We left there for getting back home about 10p.m. At that night, I arrived at my home almost midnight because of traffic jam. On Friday, I could take a rest as much as I needed, because I had no class on Friday. On that day I could sleep almost 12 hours, I woke up at 11a.m. I felt very fresh. After I had had lunch, I went back to my hometown in Nakornprathom. It likes my routine which I have to do every week. I arrived my hometown about 3p.m. I was very happy when I saw my family. On Saturday, I felt that I did not want to go anywhere, so I just stayed home with my family and did some activities with my family. On Sunday, my mother gave me some money for this week. In the morning, I went to JJ market and I had to spend some money for shopping my accessories. Then, I went back to my home at Dao-Kanong road to prepare for the class this week. At that night I went to the bed very early about 9p.m. This is all what I did last week.


August 27, 2007

For my last week my lifestyle does not have much different from the other weeks. However, last week I could not meet my friend as much as before because we had to do a lot of assignments. On Monday, I got up at 6 a.m. and left my home at 8 a.m., because I had to go to my first at 9 a.m. On that day, I finished my class at 5 p.m., after that I went to meet my friends at Coffee World. We spent time for eating and talking to each other about 3 hours. Then, we planned to go to Baryantee, but finally we canceled it and decided to go back to each home earlier. On that day, I went back with 2 of my friends those live near my house. I reached my house at 9 p.m. After that, I took a shower, and then I got into my room for reading until midnight, and then went to the bed. On Tuesday, I could not go to my class at 9.30 on time, because I got up very late. So, I decided not to go for that and go to the next class at 3.30 p.m. instead. I left my home at noon and arrived at university about 1 p.m., then, I went to have lunch alone. On that day, I felt very lonely because my close friends did not go to the university even one person. So, I had to go back to my home immediately after class. I arrived at my home almost 6 p.m., and then I went to the living room and watched my favorite TV program Academy Fantasia with my sister. After that, I went to read my text book in my room for 2 hours before going to the bed. On Wednesday, I got up at 8 a.m. for going to the class at 11 a.m. I left my home and went to the university with my friend about 9.30 a.m. On that day, I had class until 5 p.m., after that my friends and I went to Siam Square for shopping together. After that, we went to have a dinner near Abac, and then I went back to my home before my friends, because I felt very tired. So, first thing I did when I arrived my home was took a shower, then went to the bed. On Thursday, I went to the university with my friend. I had to go to the class at noon until 5 p.m. After that, I wanted to go home early, but I had an appointment with my old friends at Bangkok University at night. We talked to each other and got drunk a lot. On Friday, I got up at noon, I felt hang over much. Fortunately, I did not have any class on Friday. On that day, I needed to take a rest, so I decided not to get back to my home town yet. On Saturday, I got up at 9 a.m., after that I left my home for going back to my hometown in Nakornprathom. I spent a lot of time with my family for doing many activities. On Sunday, I went to JJ market again. I went there almost every week as my routine. Of cause I had to spend much money for my shopping. However, I felt happy even I had less money when I went back home. In that afternoon about 5 p.m., I got back to my home in Dao-kanong road. After that, I talked with my sister around 1 hour, and then I went to the bed. That was all about my activities last week.